Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sept 6, 2010 - Vanderwhacker Mountain

We hiked up Vanderwhacker Mountain today. This was a lovely trail - very Adirondack-y, through mixed northern hardwoods, past several wetlands, creeks and streams, climbing up into fir & spruce... rocks and roots, the whole deal. The trail is well worn in places but pretty well maintained for the level of traffic. Great hike with a wonderful reward upon reaching the summit!
The view from the top is really beautiful and even more so from the top of the firetower. I, with my newly acquired fear of heights braved the climb up only to have my daughter taunting me, after climbing down herself, with "Mom, it is pretty wobbly! Mom it is REALLY high up there!" - Nice!

The roundtrip distance is 5.4 miles, with about half of it being pretty steep. Claire slowed down a bit close to the top but after a bite to eat and sitting for a while looking at the beautiful view, she was ready to go and go she did... running down the entire way! I was beat! It was all we could do to keep up with her! Wow!
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