Monday, September 6, 2010

August 28-29, 2010 - Camping on Crane Pond

Decided to camp overnight on Crane Pond. Had the camera this time!! Above - Claire in the parking area near goose pond trailhead. We brought the canoe and paddled up Alder Pond/Flow (below), and then carried over to Crane.

DJ paddling up Crane. We headed to the sites that were primarily accessible only by boat at the end of the lake (seems some bushwhack their way there at times). We saw 5 boatable sites by our count. Our site facing north got morning sun, two sites at the northeastern end facing west seemed to get sun much of the day. A fourth on the southern shore had great afternoon/evening sun and one the bay over looked nice but we didn't get close enough to it to really check it out.

Claire at the campsite!

Crane is a beautiful little lake! Popular on this late August weekend, but we did get a site even coming in on Saturday! We had fun and really enjoyed swimming in the crystal clear, deep waters. The water was deep quickly at our site. We had a wonderful rock shore that we could dive right off of. Other campers on the lake left right away Sunday morning so we enjoyed most of the day alone on the end of the lake. After packing up, we threw in a 4 mile loop hike that went by oxshoe pond lean-to which was occupied and then paddled out Alder. Nice couple of days!

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