Monday, July 19, 2010

Spectacle Pond - July 18, 2010

Unfortunately we forgot the camera! Claire, DJ and I went out around 2 so we had to do something relatively close and not too long so we weren't getting back too late. We chose to check out Spectacle Pond on the east side of Schroon Lake and not too far from Crane Pond a previous trip we had done. The trail is 3.4 miles round trip and follows Spectacle Brook for much of its length. The brook is beautiful with wonderful little falls and deeper pools and big rock slides. The flora are all rich site indicators and the spring ephemerals must be beautiful when in bloom. The trail is well maintained and is definitely well used. We saw 4-5 other families while out.

The pond itself is surrounded primarily by marshes and beaver activity is pretty apparent. We had hoped we might get to take a swim in the pond, but alas I don't think we have ever seen so many leeches... yuck... Still a pretty spot and a nice hike. We had our nets with us so we caught lots of little fish, newts and yes leeches. Also beautiful damselflies and dragonflies with the butterfly net. We stopped at a deeper pool in the brook on the way back out and cooled off a bit in the water. Claire played in the waterfall and in the deeper water (above her belly button) for a while. A bad moment to not have the camera! Nice little hike we thoroughly enjoyed it!

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