Monday, September 15, 2008

Hitchins Pond - Bog River

September 15, 2008

We always celebrate our anniversary on the full moon in September (today!). So we all headed up for a paddle to Hitchins Pond via the Bog River. It was a fairly drizzly day, but so beautiful it was hard not to completely enjoy ourselves! Claire had a blast climbing on rocks and playing with sticks (that were butterflies, complete with proboscus and antennae as she explained to us). We checked out campsites along Bog River and Hitchins Pond, a couple of which seem very promising! We stopped to run around a few times and saw a pair of bald eagles as well as an osprey that hovered right over our boat for a minute. It had a very remote, adirondack feel and so may be a place we return to camp. It's definitely high on the list! Check out pictures in the webalbum -

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