Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hadley Mountain Fire Tower Hike

Since I was SOOOOO bad about staying up to date last year I made a pact with my family to just get a few pics up and minimal descriptions in order to keep up with it this year. Black flies were out already - May 7th - but cold weather might knock them back a bit this week. Maybe we'll get one more week and weekend before the hungry swarms!

This hike was a blast! It's almost 2 miles each way and is pretty steep in places. Claire was quite the mountain goat! The nearly 4 mile trek didn't phase her a bit. And we all enjoyed wonderful views of unbroken forest as far as we could see!

Along the trail we came across a junco (slate colored bird that nests on/near the ground) nest. Very cute!

The fire tower at the top... Mommy (me) was way too nervous to let any of us go up further than the first level!

Claire at the top...

Nice view...
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Lake Luzerne Maiden Voyage

Claire's maiden solo voyage... we tied her boat to mine but she enjoyed paddling... ramming me :-)
Nice weather!
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2010 Season Begins

Claire in her own kayak!! Whoah....
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